Student Support Services
How can we help?
Walla Walla University offers more than just an excellent education and trustworthy professors. We want to provide a safe place for you to dream and the resources to help you attain your goals.
The best way to be successful to is to ask for help when you need it. There are many people on campus prepared to help you navigate life as a college student. Talk to your mentor, your advisor, your RA, a dean, or a professor.
We are here to support you.
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(800) 541-8900
Academic adviser
Academic Advisement
CTC 310 | (509) 527-2132
Add or drop a class
Academic Records
CTC 311 | (509) 527-2811
Alumni/parent relations
Alumni Office
ADM 413 | (509) 527-2644
Baptism, study for
Chaplain's Office | (509) 527-2010
Behavioral issues reporting
Behavioral Intervention Team |
Report to multi-disciplinary team
Assistant VP/Dean of Students | (509) 527-2542
University Bookstore | (509) 527-2441
Cafeteria and Student Association Center
Student Life
Kellogg Hall | (509) 527-2511, -2732
Career Services
Student Development Center
Village Hall LL | (509) 527-2664
Chaplain/Campus Ministries
Chaplain's Office | (509) 527-2010
Class organizations (juniors and seniors)
President's Office
ADM 333 | (509) 527-2121
Clubs and organizations
Student Life Office
Kellogg Hall 109 | (509) 527-2511
CommUnity attendance
Assistant VP/Dean of Students
Kellogg Hall 107 | (509) 527-2542
Community service
Center for Humanitarian Engagement (CHE)
KRH 217 | (509) 527-2100
Computer help
Information Technology Services
Rigby Hall 014 | (509) 527-2317
Counseling & Testing Services
(509) 527-2147
Difficulty with studies
Student Development Center
Village Hall LL | (509) 527-2313
Discrimination and harassment
David Lindstrom | (509) 527-2313
Disability Support Services
Student Development Center
Village Hall Lower Level | (509) 527-2366
Diversity Services
ADM 317 | (509) 527-2028
Employment and work-related concerns (students)
CTC 307 | (509) 527-2357
JobScene |
Express, The (also called The DX)
S College Ave & SW Fourth St | (509) 527-2522
Financial aid/school bill
Student Financial Services
CTC 307 | (509) 527-2815
Fitness Center
WEC 130 | (509) 527-2553
Graduate student matters
Office of Graduate Studies
CTC 312 | (509) 527-2421
Harassment reporting
Title IX Coordinator | (509) 527-2259
Foreman and Conard residence halls (women)
Foreman Hall | (509) 527-2531
Sittner and Meske residence halls (men)
Sittner Hall | (509) 527-2411
Village Student Life and apartment housing
Property Management | (509) 527-2109
Hansen Hall (Portland Campus)
Hotline | (509) 527-2330
(503) 251-6118
ID cards
Help Desk
RGH 014 | (509) 527-2317
WEC 113 | (509) 527-2799
Issues with a teacher
1st - Teacher
2nd - Department Chair
3rd - Associate Vice President for Academic Administration | (509) 527-2395
Lost and found
Custodial | (509) 527-2162
Keys - Facility Services | (509) 527-2925
Student Success Coordinator
Kretschmar Hall, Rooms 213, 214 & 203 | (509) 527-2715
ADM 317 | (509) 527-2028
Pastoral support and church participation
Church Office
University Church | (509) 527-2800
Pay bills
Haffner House | (509) 527-2912
Online payments -
1st - Advisor
2nd - myWWU or Academic Records
myWWU |
Academic Records - CTC 311 | (509) 527-2811
Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory
Anacortes, WA
(360) 293-2326
(Parking/reporting accident/safety and emergencies/vehicle registration)
Campus Security
(509) 527-2222 (24 hours)
Sexual harassment and misconduct
Title IX Coordinator | (509) 527-2141
Sharing names of students interested in attending WWU
ADM 113 | (509) 527-2327
Student Development Center
Village Hall LL
(509) 527-2313
Student government (ASWWU)
Kellogg Hall 105 | (509) 527-2741, -2799
Student missionary information
Student Missions
Chaplain's Office
(509) 527-2633
Study abroad (Adventist Colleges Abroad info and application)
Communications & Languages
KRH 213 | (509) 527-2261, -2262
Study locations:
Chan Shun 2nd Floor | 8 a.m. - till building is locked | Closed Sabbath
Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. - 11 p.m. | Friday 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. | Closed Sabbath | Sunday 12 - 11 p.m.
Card access only after 6 p.m. and on Sundays
Various computer labs (Kretschmar, Rigby, Bowers) and classrooms around campus
Closed Sabbath
Summer Session
ADM 335 | (509) 527-2395
ADM = Administration Building
CTC = Canaday Technology Center
KRH = Kretschmar Hall
RGH = Rigby Hall
WEC = Winter Educational Complex